Aries: Jera
Have some patience this month
Aries, things are falling into place, just not as quickly as you might like.
Let your determination lead the way, not your impulsiveness and you'll see that
patience (or stubborness) rewarded.
Taurus: Gifu
You always do your fair share of
the work Taurus, and usually more. Step back a bit this month and let someone
else contribute as much as you. Remember that partnerships are meant to be
even; do what you agreed to and no more.
Gemini: Hagall
Sometimes you just need to clear
the air, Gemini, even if that means risking an explosion from the other person.
Putting everything out into the open will help free you from what's been
holding you back, and give you more of the freedom you hold so dear.
Cancer: Sigel
Things are falling into place for
you this month Cancer, just go with it. Sometimes you're a little
overprotective, a little doubtful that things will go well. You can let go of
that doubt, at least for this month-even the things that don't work out well
will be opening new doors for you.
Leo: Eihwaz
You hold yourself to a very high
standard Leo, and you expect the same of those around you. Let go of whatever is holding you back or
dragging you down this month. Do this with your usual compassion, be sure not
to stoop to that lower level no matter the provocation.
Virgo: Lagaz Reversed
Sometimes your perfectionist nature
can get in the way of progress Virgo. Don't spend so much time analyzing and
overthinking things this month that you miss the opportunity completely.
Sometimes you really do need to just go with your gut.
Libra: Jera
You know everything in life is
about balance Libra: along with balance though, life is full of cycles. Pay
attention to those patterns this month; use your analtycal nature to break them
down. If you can see the patterns, you can tell what needs to be done to get
you the outcome you are looking for.
Scorpio: Ansuz
Keep an open mind this month
Scorpio, be ready to try new things, to form relationships with new people. Trust
your instincts and your intuition, they won't lead you astray. It might not be
a bad idea to let go of a little privacy and ask for some advice when you need
Sagittarius: Algiz
You like to take risks Sagittarius,
and you are quick to trust. Those qualities may cause you a bit of trouble this
month if you are not careful. Make sure you look at the entirety of any
proposal you are given this month. There may very well be hidden costs that far
outweigh the benefits.
Capricorn: Sigel
You shouldn't have any trouble
reaching your goals this month, Capricorn, all your hard work and careful
planning will soon pay off. Take some time to enjoy what you have earned and
the rewards you have worked for. It's not often everything falls into place so
perfectly-enjoy it.
Aquarius: Kenaz
Apply your analytical nature to any
new projects this month Aquarius, it will take you a long way toward success.
Take the time to learn a bit more about anything new you may be trying, any
projects you may be starting.
Pisces: Thurisaz
Take some time to reflect on your
life this month, to really appreciate how far you have come. Don't let your
overly sensitive nature focus too much on the mistakes Pisces, focus instead on
your growth. Look at your life as a whole, keep what helps you, and discard
what drags you down.