Aries: 6 of Pentacles Reversed
Be careful not to let your
impulsiveness and determination lead you into problems this month Aries. Make
sure you keep in mind the consequences of your actions, and how they affect
others. Acting too hastily may cause problems that you will have a hard time
forgiving yourself for.
Taurus: Knight of Wands Reversed
Things may feel rather unstable
this month Taurus, with lots of unexpected changes and general discord in your
relationships. Remember that change, as much as you dislike it, is necessary
for growth. Let the tolerant side of your nature help you deal with these
changes, instead of stubbornly clinging to the way things used to be.
Gemini: Queen of Cups
You love your freedom Gemini, and
though you at times can seem detached people still like you. You may find
people reaching out to you more than normal this month; relax, all they want is
your company and maybe a bit of perspective on whatever they are dealing
Cancer: Chariot Reversed

Expect the unexpected this month
Cancer, with setbacks and plans changing at the last possible moment. Follow
your instincts and your intuition to deal with these problems, don't let your
stubborn side take control. Sometimes just being flexible and rolling with the
punches can make all the difference.
Leo: Devil
Be careful not to sabotage yourself
this month Leo. Too much of anything, even your enthusiasm and energy, can
sometimes be a bad thing. Be careful not to take on so much that you become
overwhelmed, or to become so focused on one goal that you neglect your other
Virgo: 9 of Wands Reversed

Use your analytical,
detail-oriented nature to help you overcome the obstacles you come up against
this month Virgo. They are there to help you look at things differently, to
give you a new perspective. The more persistent you are the more progress you
will make.
Libra: 7 of Swords
People and relationships are very
important to you Libra, you are always trying to understand others and how they
think. Be careful of some of the people around you this month, they may be
hiding things from you, or even stealing things from you. Even if you do
understand their actions, it doesn't mean you have to keep them in your life.
Scorpio: 8 of Pentacles Reversed
You may find yourself more moody
and emotional than normal this month Scorpio; try not to take any criticism,
real or implied, to heart. You may not be reaching your goals as quickly as you
would like, but that does not mean that you should give up; you will still
reach them eventually as long as you persevere.
Sagittarius: High Priestess

You love to travel and learn about
people Sagittarius, and learning is certainly favored this month. Follow your
instincts about where to go and what to do, they won't lead you astray. The more you learn, the more you understand
others, the more you will grow.
Capricorn: Princess of Wands

Your cautious nature may hold you
back a bit this month Capricorn. It's all well and good to carefully plan
everything out, but trying to think of everything can lead to indecision and
hesitation. Don't get bogged down in worry, with your resourceful nature, you
can handle whatever problems come your way.
Aquarius: Princess of Cups Reversed
You're always trying something new
Aquarius, always ready to move on. Slow down a bit this month, be sure of your
next steps before you take them. Make sure that what you are moving on to is
more substantial than just a temporary distraction.
Pisces: Ace of Wands
New opportunities are heading your
way this month Pisces, be sure to take advantage of them. Let your intuition
and imagination help you decide what to pursue, and then give it your all. (Not
that you ever give anything less!) You are bound to have success.