Rune of the Day Fehu
Things are going well, they are finally starting to come
together. Enjoy this time, just be careful not to become complacent or even
greedy. Make sure that what you are trying to accomplish and gain is what you
need, not just a sign of will. Share the abundance that you have, if you hoard
your good fortune it will quickly go stale on you and begin to stagnate.
Tarot Card of the Day: 6 of Cups
We all occasionally long for the good old days, there is
nothing wrong with a little nostalgia. Just don't let a desire for what used to
be affect where you are now. We can never really go back to the way things once
were, focusing on that too much, instead of just remembering it, will just lead
to goals and desires that can never be accomplished.
The Two Together
Fehu paired with the 6 of Cups is telling us not to chase
after things just because they are something we've always wanted. We need to
take time every now and then to examine what it is we want in life, what we're
chasing after, and to make sure that it still something that will serve us, not
just an idea that we're chasing because it's a habit.
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