Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rune of the Day: Ansuz
Be open to new experiences and to learning new things today; there are lots of new connections to be made.  Really listen to what others are saying, it may just be something that inspires you.  Remember the best things in life are often a surprise to us when we first learn of them. 
Tarot Card of the Day: Tower Reversed
You feel like you're stuck in a rut today, like everything just stays the same and you can't get ahead.   You may feel like you're stuck in a situation that you can't get out of.  Know that making a change, any change no matter how small, is the start of breaking the cycle.  So do something differently today, even if its something as little as taking a new route to work.
The Two Together
Ansuz paired with the Reversed Tower is telling you that you must be open to what others are saying if you want to change real change in your life.  It may not be advice that they are giving you, but just things they are speaking of in general.  Keep an open mind, listen to others' experiences, and you might find something to expand your horizons.

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