Rune of the Day: Perthro
Try something out of the ordinary today, something you've always wondered about but just haven't found the time or the nerve to do yet. The Divine is smiling on you so take advantage of that with some new experiences. Luck will follow you around so take a chance or two on something frivolous. Remember, the more faith you have, the greater your rewards will be.
Tarot Card of the Day: Page of Cups Reversed
Don't let your emotions get the better of you today: it may seem really tempting to just stick your head in the sand and not acknowledge any having any problems, but this only postpones the inevitable, and often makes things even worse. Look at what is going on in your life with clarity and honesty, and act based on a well thought out plan, not on instinct or emotion.
The Two Together
Perthro paired with the reversed Page of Cups is telling us not to get carried away with our emotions when things are going well. It's okay to spend an extra dollar or two on the lottery if you've been having a run of luck. It is NEVER okay to spend needed money on the lottery thinking your luck will continue. Luck is not a given, and it usually disappears right when we're chasing it the hardest, or relying on it the most.