Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rune of the Day: Ehwaz

Ehwaz is a rune of motion, of progress, a very dynamic energy. It's a rune of new attitudes, of changes, of self-transformation.  This is truly a great rune for the energy of the Pagan new year that started on Thursday. 

Today is a day of progress, of getting things done, of starting the process of reinventing yourself.   This can be a change either external (new haircut, new diet or exercise regimen) or internal with a new attitude.  It can also reflect a change in your environment, a move, a redecoration, even just fall cleaning that makes things feel newly energized.  

Today would be a wonderful day to start something new, or to tackle that project that you've been putting off!

Tarot Card of the Day: The Sun

The Sun is a card of satisfaction, of accomplishment of things going well. The sun reflects our joy in the simple things in life, it shows true happiness, that which can only be found within ourselves not without. 

This card is telling us to just enjoy life as it comes, to really count our blessings and to be grateful for, and aware of, what we do have in our lives today.  Tomorrow is soon enough to worry about your problems, for today, relax and enjoy!

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