Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rune of the Day: Hagalaz

Hagalaz is the rune of sudden change, of abrupt transformation.  This rune represents changes that are completely beyond your control, those things that simply cannot be anticipated or planned for. 

These are the changes that are meant to set us on new paths, to help us alter our lives for the better. Although these challenges may seem like the Universe is ganging up on us, it is actually just giving us a chance to better ourselves.

The more extreme the interruption in your situation, the bigger the difference you need to make in your life.  Those big, abrupt disruptions usually only come when we have ignored the smaller ones and been blind to the hints we have been sent. 

Know that these challenges have been put before us for a reason, and look for that reason; don't waste time fighting against the change, spend your time making the most of the opportunity.

Tarot Card of the Day: 6 of Pentacles (Reversed)

The 6 of Pentacles reversed represents greed and avarice, even a lack of caring.  Frequently envy and jealousy are shown by this card, a definite lack of satisfaction with what one already has. 

When this card appears reversed, it is a good time to really slow down and look at all that you have. Generally you will find yourself more focused on what you don't have, and on how to get it, than on the blessings that you do have. 

This card is a wake up call almost, to stop and smell the roses, to truly appreciate all that you have to be grateful for, to think about others instead of focusing on yourself.

Today would be a perfect day to do a random act of kindness, to help brighten someone else's day.

The Two Together!

Both of these are saying that a change is needed.  The reversed 6 of Pentacles is urging you to get out of your own head, and to appreciate all that life has given you.  At the same time, Hagalaz is saying you need to change things, and a wake up call is coming to make this very clear to you.

Try looking at these two  as motivation to focus on the good in your life. So much of what happens to us we bring on ourselves by what we put out into the universe.  If all we focus on is what we don't have, we're going to keep needing more. 

Conversely, if we focus on how much we are blessed with, and are grateful for that, even if the only thing we can find to be grateful for is that we can see, or hear, or touch, or move, then we invite more into our life that we can be grateful for.  


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