Friday, January 24, 2014

Rune of the Day: ANSUZ

Ansuz is a rune of communication, of inspiration, positivity, advice and life changing information.

Make time for the people who want to speak to you today, even those people you generally prefer not to spend time with.  Sometimes they are the very people that we most need to hear from-their perspective is so different from our own that they often notice things we never would.

Take the time today also to let others know what you are thinking and feeling.  Too often today, we don't take the time to reach out to others, or to make it clear what we need and expect from them.  This leads to hard feelings when they don't live up to our expectations.  The more clearly we communicate our needs and desires, the more likely we are to have them fulfilled. 

Tarot Card of the Day 9 Of Cups Reversed

The 9 of Cups Reversed is a card of selfishness, of disregarding the needs of others in favor of oneself.

We all need time to ourselves, and to pamper ourselves every now and then.  Selfishness can sometimes be a good thing, if we are doing it to prevent ourselves from being overloaded; from taking on too much; from doing something that would harm ourselves.

There is also the selfishness of being petty or bitter.   Obviously, this is not a good thing, (lol) and telling the difference between the two is not always easy.  The reversed 9 of Cups today is a warning to double check our decisions, and our motivations, and make sure we are taking the high road.

The Two Together

Ansuz and its focus on communication, paired with the reversed 9 of Cups and its focus on selfishness indicates that today will be a day when open, honest communication is very important.

Truly understanding why you’re making a certain decision, even a selfish one, and letting others understand your reasoning make all the difference today.  A boss declining to give a raise because the company is doing poorly has a much less disgruntled employee than one who denies a raise because he wants more profits. 

Be honest with yourself today about your motivation for doing, or not doing things; if you are honestly at peace with your decisions then you are on the right path.  

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