Saturday, February 15, 2014

Rune of the Day: Uruz Reversed 

Sometimes in our desire to not make a mistake we are overly cautious and don't realize an opportunity when it is presented to us, or we pass it by not really realizing what we had been offered.  Take the time to truly consider any opportunities you are given today: don't rush into anything, just don't rush to say no either.  Take the time to think things through today; and remember, sometimes just getting out of our comfort zone can turn things around for us. 

Tarot Card of the Day: 10 of Swords 

 It's easy to be so focused on our problems that we don't see anything else, we miss opportunities to do things that could help us.  When you look at things as hopeless, you deny yourself any opportunity to improve them, you just keep yourself stuck there. 
Look for the new opportunity that is present, look for the silver lining in the cloud, it is there, just waiting to be noticed.

The Two Together

Uruz reversed and the 10 of Swords both speak of missed opportunities-the 10 of Swords because we are so focused on what is wrong, Uruz because we are so afraid of making things worse.  Together these are both telling us we have a choice, we can stay stuck and wallow in misery, or we can act, we can look for that glimmer of hope, that offer to do something new that may just change our lives.  


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