Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rune of the Day: Ehwaz Reversed
Don't expect to make a lot of progress on things today; there will just be one thing after another blocking your path.  Look hard at these obstacles, perhaps they are things you have been holding on to that you need to let go of, or things that you have been bringing on yourself.  Sometimes we become so fixed in our thinking, that we don't clearly see the whole picture; take a step back today and try to see what is really holding you back.
Tarot Card of the Day: 8 of Cups
Sometimes we have to walk away from people who are dragging us down, or who refuse to lift themselves up.  This doesn't mean we are better than them, just that we are at a better place in our lives.  We can't force others to change, or keep helping them if they simply cannot or will not change, sometimes it's just best to cut our losses and leave.
The Two Together
Ehwaz reversed paired with the 8 of Cups is saying its time to walk away from the things, especially people, that are holding you back.  They may not be holding you back intentionally: but if they are always causing you problems and never change, no matter how many chances you've given them, perhaps it's time to walk away.  It's rarely an easy decision to make, but sometimes we have to do what is best for us.

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