Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday May 3rd Daily Rune and Tarot Card

Rune of the Day: Othala Reversed

It may seem like nothing is going right lately, that no one is there for you when you need them. We all have times like this, just be careful not to get so caught up in the negativity and feeling sorry for yourself that you miss any new opportunities that may be coming your way.

Tarot Card of the Day: Page of Wands

Take some time today to really reflect on what is most important to you, on the qualities that you value. Pay some attention to your friends today, make an effort to catch up with them, or even to spend some time together. True friendship and loyalty is something rare, make sure that you honor that gift for the special quality that it is.

The Two Together

So many of us try to get through life alone; we don't want to burden others with our problems or disturb them by asking for help no matter how much we may need it. Take a look around today, you have lots of people in your life that are willing to lend you a helping hand: there is nothing wrong with taking them up on that, with letting someone close to you help you with your burdens.


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