Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rune of the Day: Perthro
Luck is on your side today, so take a chance on trying something new.  Learn more about the hidden world around us; focus on the big picture, not the everyday stuff that normally takes up so much of our time.  Opening yourself up to these bigger energies gives you the opportunity for bigger rewards, both material and not so material. 
Tarot Card of the Day: Star
You have faith that things will work out, if not for the best in your opinion, at least the way they are meant to.  That faith is rewarded today.  When you tell the Universe what you need, it is provided, so go ahead, let it know what you need,  (No, you really do not need a Porsche Carrera! lol)  and watch your blessings overflow.
The Two Together
Perthro paired with the Star is telling us that we are virtually unstoppable today.  Pretty much whatever we set our minds to, we have the blessings of the Universe.  Just be careful not to get greedy, they'll bless with extra, but not if its asked for out of greed-that's a quick way to end a run of luck!

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