Sunday, April 27, 2014

Rune of the Day: Ehwaz
Some days are just meant to be the start of something new, today is meant to be the start of a new you.  Start that workout routine, get that haircut or color, find that new apartment, start that journal or daily meditation.  Whatever it is you want to change, today is the day to start. 
Tarot Card of the Day: 10 of Pentacles
Things will go well for you today, especially on the home front.  Enjoy some time with friends and family, just enjoying each other's company.   There is a real feeling of security in being with your loved ones.
The Two Together
While Ehwaz is telling us to focus on ourselves, the 10 of Pentacles is reminding us that family and friends are important too.  We need to keep a balance today, spending some time on ourselves, and some with our loved ones.  Overall, that's a pretty good idea for any day!

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