Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday 2/6 Daily Rune and Tarot Card

Rune of the Day: Sigel

Things are really going your way today, everything just seems to be falling into place. It's as if your eyes have been opened, you're suddenly seeing things that you hadn't noticed before. You really feel connected with the world today, it's a feeling of warmth and of being whole.

Tarot Card of the Day: 10 of Wands Reversed

It is time to let go of the burdens you have been holding onto. Sometimes we have to do so much for so long that we don't realize when it's okay to lighten up, to do less, to let others help more. Now is that time. Look at all the extra responsibilities you have been shouldering, and step back from the ones that now can be shared or given to another.
The Two Together

Sigel paired with the reversed 10 of Wands is telling us that it is time to lessen the load we have been carrying and to spend some time appreciating all of our blessings. We often get so caught up in our responsibilities, we forget to appreciate all that we have.  Now is the time to rid ourselves of extra obligations we have taken on, and to spend some time enjoying our lives. 

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