Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday 2/9 Daily Rune and Tarot Card

Rune of the Day: Daeg
You have a new understanding of things today, a new clarity. With this clarity comes confidence and success. The more faith you have in yourself, the further you will go in life, and the more you will soar. 
Tarot Card of the Day: 9 of Swords Reversed
Be careful not to be so focused on your worries that you let them affect your health. Although it is difficult, try to remember that worrying will not solve or change anything. Focus on finding solutions, or on how to deal with potential consequences, instead of focusing on the parts of life you can't control.
The Two Together
Daeg paired with the reversed 9 of Swords is telling us to look for solutions, to focus on finding peace, instead of worrying. Very often just handing your worries over to your higher power and having trust in them will relieve much of your anxiety. With this new sense of peace you may just find the answers to your problems.

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