Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday 3/16 Daily Rune and Tarot Card

Rune of the Day: Thurisaz Reversed
You may find some significant barriers in your way today: slow down, it's going to take some time to get around them. Trying to rush things will only make them worse. You may have to give up some things you want to get where you want to go, or accept help from someone you would rather not. 
Tarot Card of the Day: Temperance
Everything is coming together just the way it is meant to. That may not be the way you had envisioned things, but our visions rarely match the actual outcomes. Have some patience and you will eventually see that everything really did work out for the best of all concerned. 
The Two Together
The pairing of reversed Thurisaz and Temperance is telling us that the roadblocks in our way are there for a reason. We may not understand it yet, or ever, but they are serving a purpose. It may just be that whatever is in our way is teaching us what we are meant to learn, what we need to know, before we can truly appreciate reaching our goals.


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