Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday 3/17 Daily Rune and Tarot Cards

Rune of the Day: Fehu
You are achieving your goals, reaching the benchmarks in your life that you have been aspiring to. Although things are going well now, you need to keep working, keep trying so that the success keeps flowing. Be sure to share some of your good fortune with others, the more you share it, the more of it you attract. 
Tarot Card of the Day: Queen of Swords Reversed
Try to keep an open mind today, and to encourage others to do the same. We all have different experiences and backgrounds and that is what gives life and people the variety and differences that we all have. Just because something isn't right for you, doesn't mean it won't work for another. Encourage others to find their own bliss, even if you can't understand it.
The Two Together
Fehu paired with the reversed Queen of Swords is telling us to be careful not to let our success give us tunnel vision. We have to remember that there are different definitions of success, and we shouldn't hold others to our standards. As long as we are happy with where we are, and we feel successful, all we need to do is share our joy and good fortune. 

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