Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rune of the Day: Isa
This is a good day to just do what you absolutely have to and not anything new.  You are bound to run into lots of blockages today, almost as if you are frozen in place. Don't start anything new, don't be surprised if your plans fall apart: this is a time of enforced rest.  Don't fight it, just wait it out, it won't last long.
Tarot Card of the Day: Princess of Pentacles Reversed
You may find yourself so caught up in thoughts of all you want to do that you end up making no progress on anything at all.  Dreams and goals are all well and good, but changing focus to what you want to accomplish next, before you've accomplished your first goal, is actually counterproductive.  
The Two Together
Isa, paired with the reversed Princess of Pentacles is telling us that we aren't going to get much of anything accomplished today.  Whether it's because the Universe is putting blocks in our way, or we are sabotaging ourselves by trying to do too much too soon, the end result is same. Take it easy today, don't try to do much, or anything new, and wait for this stasis to pass.

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