Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pagan Blog Project A is for Anise


  This year I have rejoined the Pagan Blog Project; as I am focusing much more on doing lightwork this year, I'm sure that I won't let life get in the way this time! 

I'll be writing blogs on crystals and herbs for the project, since I am trying to learn more about each.  I'm actually going to do a post every day and consider it part of the project, but only one post per week will be linked to the project. 

This week I'm posting on anise, obviously!

Anise is native to the Egypt-Greece-Asia Minor area of the world and has been cultivated for thousands of years.  It is probably best known as a flavoring in many liqueurs, licorice, and many baked goods. 

It grows best in a fairly moderate climate, with a light, well-drained soil and lots of sunshine.  The plant is fairly fragile-it does not relocate well.   Anise usually flowers in July and ripens in the fall, providing the weather stays good.   As I said, it is a rather fragile plant, and one I will not even attempt to grow with my black thumb!

Anise has several medical uses, chiefly being used as a digestive aid.  Traditionally it has been used as a flavoring in many baked goods to be eaten at the end of a meal, and/or in the soup eaten at the beginning of the meal, and, of course, as flavoring in the after-dinner liqueurs. 

Besides aiding in digestion, anise is also known to help relieve both diarrhea and flatulence.  It is also a proven expectorant, and is a frequent ingredient in cough lozenges.  Throughout the years anise has also been used in the treatment of epilepsy, to prevent or lessen seizures and convulsions.

Although I have read of anise seeds being used as an antibiotic, I have also found sources stating that using it topically increases blood toxicity.  So, I'm thinking that is probably not the best of ideas to try.  As with any medical use of an herb, use caution, these claims are not certified by the FDA, consult your doctor for any ongoing condition-the usual yadda-yadda-yadda that is sadly required in today's lawsuit-happy world.

Magickally anise is primarily used for protection, for youth-(I need more anise, LOTS more!), for purification and divination.  It is associated with Mercury/Jupiter, and the element of Air.

To help prevent nightmares keep some anise in your pillowcase or anywhere in your bed.  If you hang a sprig, or two, from your bedpost lost youth will be restored.  

Adding a sachet of anise and bay leaf to your tub makes a  very strong protection bath.  Anise seed oil is a very potent addition to any magickal working for protection or purification. 

Drinking a cup of anise tea before bed, and/or burning anise seeds on some charcoal helps ensure prophetic dreams and is very useful in mediation.  It helps to lower our barriers to we can receive information more easily.

Hmmm, if only hanging LOTS of anise from the bedpost, and drinking a cup, or a gallon, of anise tea before bed would let me wake up as a twenty-year old knowing what I know now!! LOL

Blessed Be!


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