Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17th THURISAZ REVERSED

Thurisaz reversed is a rune of hasty decisions, of barriers that are not easily surmounted, of ego standing in your way when humility is required.

It's necessary today to take the time to truly consider one's decisions and their possible outcomes.  It may be very tempting to jump to the quick, obvious choice feeling that one can handle any problems that come up; but reversed 
Thurisaz says that this is not true.

This rune is warning one that there are factors at work not readily apparent, and caution is needed.  So use caution today, and realize that sometimes help is needed-trying to do it all on your own can lead to delays.  So go ahead and ask for help if it's needed-just because one can do something all alone, doesn't mean one has to. 

Tarot Card of the Day: 6 of Swords Reversed

The 6 of Swords reversed is a card of being on your own, of being stuck in a bad situation.

Sometimes it is necessary to just cut our losses.  We can’t always fix something or someone, no matter how much we may want to, or how hard we try.  This is always especially hard when it comes to dealing with loved ones, but if they don’t truly want help, or to change, we can’t force it on them.

Once we have tried our best, if nothing is changing, it’s up to us to decide when we are sick of beating our head against a wall.  Remember that we have to do what is best for ourselves in the long run, there is no shame in giving up a lost cause.  

  The Two Together

Thurisaz reversed paired with the 6 of Swords reversed are both saying that there is no easy solution to our problems today.  There is no quick fix. 

Sometimes we have to make painful decisions, because the alternative is to stay in a situation that is slowly dragging us down.  It's like deciding to have a sore tooth pulled instead of living with the day to day pain.  

The decision itself is never easy, and there is usually pain involved in actually removing ourselves from the situation, but our day to day lives are soon much more pleasant.  It's truly necessary today to look toward the future.  

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