Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rune of the Day: MANNAZ

Mannaz is a rune of human relationships, of cooperation and man's interconnectedness. 

Reach out to someone today, even if it's just with a smile.  We are all in this world together, that's what this rune is reminding us.  What makes one of us a better person, helps to lift us all up at least a little.

That makes today a great day to do something for someone else, to help someone who needs a hand.  Very often, just a little gesture can brighten their whole day, and in turn, our day also.

Tarot Card of the Day: 10 of Cups Reversed

The 10 of Cups reversed is a card of relationships not being what they seem, of presenting a false face to the world, of differing opinions. 

Today is a day when appearances are more important than substance.  Sometimes how things seem is more important than how they really are.  This is most often true when trying to make an impression on someone, or when knowing the truth of a situation may harm someone. 

By all means, put on your game face today, and bravely show the world what you want them to see.  Just be aware, the truth usually comes out, so be very sure to examine your motives for hiding it. 

The Two Together: 

Mannaz and the 10 of Cups reversed both speak to human interaction today.  Mannaz is about reaching out and cooperation, while the 10 of Cups speaks to disagreements, and things we don't want to show others. 

Both actually involve helping others, even if it is helping someone to hide a truth they aren't ready to show the world yet.  Sometimes, helping someone to keep something private, can be the one thing that lets them know there is someone that will help; and that can make it easier for them to reach out. 

Helping others takes all forms, it's not always obvious to us or to someone else what may be a blessing to someone.   Sometimes just a kind word, or holding a door can make all the difference to someone. 


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