Thursday, November 7, 2013

Rune of the Day: Othala

Othala is the rune of prosperity, and of good outcomes, but also of family and community, and family ties.  Frequently the prosperity Othala refers to comes from your heritage and is a closer spiritual tie to the beliefs of your ancestors-more a spiritual prosperity than a material one.

When this rune appears for you, know that things will go well for you in whatever you have been dealing with lately.  Just also know, that this good fortune is not just yours alone.  Everything we are given, or earn, in life is at least somewhat owed to others be it directly or indirectly. 

Remember these others in your good fortune-maybe give a little back to charity, or spend a few minutes helping someone else today.  Even something so simple for holding the door, with a smile,  for someone bagged down with packages can brighten their day.  So, if you're having a good day, share it in ways big or small.  You'll be surprised how much good fortune is attracted when you share what you have!

Tarot Card of the Day:5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups is the card of regret, of things not being what they should.  It represents marriage without love, friendship with no real caring, partnership without a true shared vision. 

I've always seen this card as a card of opportunity, as a sign that it is time to evaluate the relationships in your life and to change them.  Work on the ones that you want to be stronger, try to rediscover what attracted you to someone in the first place. 

 Whether its a romantic or platonic relationship, try to reconnect with those people that you want to keep in your life.  The other relationships in your life, the ones that are dead weight, or even dragging you down, perhaps it is time to let them go, and to move on.   

The Two Together!

Othala and the 5 of Cups together indicate that today would be a good day to focus on family and on perhaps mending any frayed relationships you might have there, or perhaps taking some time to look at things in a new light. 

Othala's emphasis on heritage and family roots, along with the 5 of Cups'  focus on things not being as they appear together imply that a greater understanding of family is needed.   Perhaps some in your family have done things that you cannot accept, or maybe there are skeletons in the family closet that you would never want anyone to know about.

Today would be a great day to really look at those situations, and to try to understand why the people involved did what they did.  They may not have made the choice you would have made, but possibly, if you make the effort, you can at least understand why they did what they did.  And understanding is the first step toward acceptance, and maybe, eventually, forgiveness. 


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