Saturday, November 16, 2013

Rune of The Day: Eolh (Reversed)

Eolh (Reversed) is a rune of caution, of challenges, sometimes of ill health.  When this rune appears, it is a good idea to slow down, to really focus on what is happening in your life right now and on what is going on around you.

Frequently, this foretells of an upcoming failure, but one that will open up new opportunities.  Perhaps your car breaks down, but someone you meet while getting it repaired becomes your new love interest.  Perhaps you don't get the job you applied for, but something said at the interview points you in an entirely different, and very successful, direction.

This is also a good time to take care of your health.  Okay, its always a good time to take care of your health, but Eolh reversed often indicates upcoming ill health.  A lot of our ills can be avoided if we are just a little preventative.  So take care of yourself: eat well, sleep enough, see the doctor if needed.  

Think of this rune as a warning that things may not be going well soon.  Then look around and do what you can to prevent things from going badly.  Change some of what you're doing, that will change what is going to happen.


Tarot Card of The Day: 5 of Cups 

The 5 of Cups is a card of what I call going through the motion relationships: marriage without love, friendship without true caring.  Frequently this is the card of regret, of wishing things had worked out differently.

This card is a bit of a wake up call.  If you're not happy with the way things are, if you regret how your relationships have turned out, then perhaps it is time to change them.  Look at your relationships honestly, at how they are strong, weak, mediocre; then decide if you want them to change. 

Don't spend a lot of time regretting the past, it can't be changed. Accept what responsibility is yours for the things you have done, then move on. Decide what needs to be done now and in the future to make your relationships better.  Then start doing that. 

So much of our lives is in our own hands, if we can merely get past the fear of change and motivate ourselves to really work towards our goals.  Sometimes we must accept defeat, that we can't change things into what we want, but at least we will know that we have tried. 


The Two Together:  

Eolh reversed is a card of challenges, of things not working out according to plan while the 5 of cups is a card of regret and of things not being as they appear. 

Together they are telling you to take life by the horns, lead your life where you want it to go, don't be led by it.  Pay attention to the things that are important to you; those things we pay a lot of attention to generally are not the ones that go wrong on us.  Its the things we take for granted, the things that we just assume are doing alright without our attention, that tend to fall apart.

Decide your priorities in life and make sure you pay some attention to each of them every day: relationships, job, hobby, family, whatever is truly important to you that is where you need to spend some time each day making sure that things are going well.  Fix the little problems as they come up, before you find yourself with a lot of work to do to try to repair the damage of neglect. 


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