Friday, November 8, 2013

Rune of the Day: Lagaz

 Lagaz is a rune of feelings, imagination, the things in life that are not concrete.  This rune represents intuition and adaptability and all of the things that we cannot see in the world, but that are nonetheless a major part of it. 

Today would be a great day to listen to your instincts and to follow your heart.  Lagaz very much reflects the need to heed your inner voice, your intuition.  Understanding, empathy, and compassion are all very much represented by this rune. 

Take a look at yourself and at what you've surrounded yourself with.  Really see how you feel about the people and things you have around you. Try to view them with understanding and compassion, but know that if your instincts are telling you to remove these people/situations then you should pay attention.
Tarot Card of the Day: 4 of Cups

The 4 of Cups represents a sense of getting ready to move on, a meditation on where one is at and on what needs to change in one's life.  This card represents a need to change things, especially relationship wise, in one's life, a time to move past what no longer works, and to open up to new possibilities.

This card also represents the need to meditate or focus on what has and hasn't worked in past relationships to better prepare oneself for new people and challenges.   Its a time to gather one's strength before making changes and moving on to the next adventure in one's life. 

The Two Together!

This part is pretty simple today!  Both Lagaz and the 4 of Cups are about looking at the people and situations in your life.  Look at them with your eyes wide open, with a new understanding if at all possible.  But look at them, meditate on them, then do what your heart and your instincts are telling you to do.  

If it is time to distance yourself, or even cut ties, from some of these people and/or situations, then today is a great day to do so.  If looking at them with 'new eyes' has changed your perspective and made your more understanding and compassionate, so much the better!

Just know that by letting your intuition lead the way today, will open up new paths and new understandings for your future1


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