Saturday, November 2, 2013


Aries: Hagalaz  

Hagalaz is a rune of change, of disruption.  For fire sign Aries, change is usually something to look forward to; however Hagalaz frequently represents radical disruption, things going beyond one’s control.   This is also almost always unexpected change, not planned change. 

However, these changes do lead to long term rewards as a rule.  Although unexpected and shocking, such as losing a job, in time the true purpose of this upset comes clear.  Losing a job opens you to the possibility of a better job, or starting in a new field, one you find yourself happier in.   The end of a relationship opens you to a new relationship, perhaps with your life’s partner.  

Regardless of the challenge presented, Aries zest for life, optimism and positive energy will see you through.  Once the shock has passed this will be just another challenge for you to overcome!

Taurus: Daeg

Daeg is a rune of success, transformation, security.  For steadfast Taurus, security and comfort are of paramount importance.  This rune also represents a new understanding, an epiphany if you will.  Although Taureans are slow to adapt to change, once they see a better way, there is no stopping them in their quest to adapt that method. 

November will be a month of things becoming more clear, of new understandings; however, these new understandings will bring more confidence and security to one’s life.  They may also bring financial gain, as Daeg is also a rune of success and confidence. 

Your new found clarity may help you focus on what’s really important to you in life, thus freeing up time and money for that, instead of things that have just been helping you mark time.

Gemini: Ehwaz (Reversed)

Ehwaz reversed is a rune of delays, of blockages.  For Gemini, with their dislike of routine, this promises to be a challenging month; one full of roadblocks both those somewhat anticipated, and those unexpected. 

Analytical Gemini, however, can make the best of this by examining what exactly is holding you back, and why.  There are definitely lessons to be learned this month, and for Gemini the curious and intelligent finding what these lessons are could be very useful distraction from having to wait for these blockages to clear up.

Perhaps learning the lessons of these delays will help them pass faster, though with Mercury in retrograde for a while still, no promises on that front!

Cancer: Gifu

Gifu is a rune of partnership, of a true give and take, of love and opportunity.  For caring, emotional Cancer this rune represents someone or something that is willing to accept you as you are, to deal with you on your own terms. 

Remember though, all partnerships include the Divine, and this one is no different.  Use that Cancer intuition and those wonderful instincts of yours to decide if the opportunity this rune portends is truly something you want.   Cancers love to nurture, to take care of, and any relationship or opportunity influenced by Gifu is very much quid pro quo. 

There is true give and take with this rune; the other(s) in the situation will want to give back as much as they get from it.  That can be hard for Cancer, with their caring giving nature to accept. 

Leo: Raidho (Reversed)

Raidho reversed is a rune of delay, especially in personal relationships and other personal matters. Frequently this represents communication problems, of course with Mercury being retrograde for the beginning of the month, this is to be expected.  Unfortunately, Raidho reversed just emphasizes this tendency. 

Leo, with your jump right in enthusiasm, you may need to slow down just a bit this month.  Just enough to make sure that others really are along for the ride your taking them on, and that they are not just caught up in the whirlwind that you can be!

Although taking your time chafes against your oh-so-energetic nature, doing so right now will save you a lot of headaches and possibly some heartache later on.

Virgo: Birkana (Reversed)

Birkana reversed us a rune of failure, of stagnation, of reversals.  This rune coming for detail-oriented Virgo should be considered a warning to be extra vigilant in all that you do this month. 

Setbacks and outright failures may be avoided if enough care is taken to see the whole picture, not just the details.  Virgo’s perfectionism and overly-critical attitude may contribute to the derailing of relationships, both personal and professional.  With Birkana reversed, this would be a good month to truly think before you speak or act, to look at the big picture, not just the part that you know is wrong. 

Sometimes compromise, although not really in Virgo’s nature, really is the better part of valor.  Settling for less than perfection may be preferable to settling for nothing at all!

Libra: Raidho

Raidho is a rune of communication, of unstoppable momentum, of all systems go!  With this rune it is the journey that is important, not the destination, it’s everything that happens on your way to your goal, not the goal itself that you need to focus on.  You will get where you want to be, whether your journey is an actual trip, or the path of a relationship or even a business; your momentum will not fail you, but speed is not guaranteed!

For analytical Libra, this rune is a great fit.  Concentrate on removing obstacles in your path, on those experiences, not on where you are actually going, especially regarding relationships.  After all, it is all the shared experiences that make relationships strong; the challenges overcome that makes businesses successful.  That’s what forms the close bond that is the goal of relationships, and the well-oiled inner workings of a successful business, and you can’t get those things without those shared challenges and triumphs.

Scorpio: Jera

Jera is a rune of success, but not rapid success.  Traditionally Jera is the rune of harvest, of the fertile season, most projects begun under Jera take most, or all, of a year to come to fruition.  Jera portends a positive outcome, a reaping of well-earned rewards. 

For take-charge Scorpio slow success can be challenging.  Instinctive, intuitive Scorpio knows when things are going well and expects to see results, Jera in November is here to give you a lesson in patience.  The rewards you seek will come your way, just not on your timetable.

Look for the patterns that you see this month Scorpio, Jera with its historical ties to the harvest is a rune of patterns-sow, nurture, reap.  Look for the patterns in your project, see what you can learn from them; perhaps something that you truly need to know.

Sagittarius: Tir

Tir is a rune of necessary sacrifice, of giving up what is holding you back, of looking at the whole situation.  Tir represents honor, victory, justice and the law.  It may not represent the outcome that would be your ideal, but it is the outcome that is best for ALL concerned. 

For adventure and travel loving Sagittarius, this rune is truly applicable.  Sagittarians love to travel and roam, leaving friends and family behind to satisfy their wanderlust.  They will always return, they just don’t want to be held back from doing what makes them happy.   Tir embraces this attitude, let go of what holds you back, do what is right for you.

If I had to pick a rune to symbolize Sagittarius it would probably be Tir; they are both big-picture energies.

Capricorn: Eihwaz

Eihwaz is a rune of protection, of defense, of bad situations coming to an end.  However, for Eihwaz to work protectively, one must do what is right when the whole situation is considered, not just what is right for one’s self.

For Capricorn this may require a bit of thought; as hard-working and responsible as you are, Capricorns do have a tendency to use whoever and whatever is available to reach their goals.  You must temper your determination with common sense and perhaps some extra compassion this month.  

Although Capricorns are not fond of change, know that the changes coming this month are beneficial, and for your own protection.  Know also that flexibility is sometimes required to do the right thing, and remember flexibility does not equal weakness!

Aquarius: Uruz

Uruz is the rune of strength, health, and vitality.  It is often a rune of new beginnings with a new energy, almost a new lease on life.  Sometimes these new beginnings require a loss of the old way of doing things, or of old things you have been clinging to for too long. 

For Aquarius, who is always eager to try the next new thing, this rune is just a reminder, that we often must shed the old before we can put on the new.  For this month, Uruz is giving you the energy to make some real positive changes in your life, possibly in a more off-beat area. 

Aquarians are always learning, always stretching the boundaries, this month the energy of Uruz is with you, just reminding you to discard that which no longer works for you, before you begin the next exploration.

Pisces: Algiz

Algiz is a rune of caution, of temperance, of protection.  Look at new opportunities or challenges carefully and analytically, they may bring some unwanted influences into your life.  They may be interesting enough that you are willing to accept the drawbacks of them, that is fine-it’s your choice, just be careful that you know what you are getting into. 

Overly agreeable Pisces really needs to take this message to heart.  Algiz is a rune of protection, but more than that it’s a rune of temperance.  It will warn you that you should look before you leap, but it won’t stop you from leaping if the water is only 3 inches deep.  As good as the intuition and instincts of most Pisceans are; this is a good month to really look at a situation analytically before committing to things.

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