Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rune of the Day: Raidho

Raidho is a rune of momentum though not necessarily of speed.  It is a rune of communication, of travel and transportation.  Raidho is all about the journey, not the destination.

This rune means that its time to lay your cards on the table, so to speak.  it represents a real need to communicate to reach a desired result.  Its very important to remove obstacles from your path when Raidho appears, its the journey, how you reach your goal that is important, not the actual goal itself. 

Communication is key with this rune, momentum is on your side, so you'll get where you want to go but it will be much faster and easier if you let others know what you need instead of trying to do it all yourself.  Focus on making progress, not on reaching your goal and you will be there before you know it!

Tarot Card of the Day: Ace of Staffs (Reversed)

The Ace of Staffs, or Wands, reversed signifies a false start, or an unrealized goal.  Often it indicates frustration of plans or even a cancellation of them. When this card appears it is best to put things on hold, just for a little while. 
Often when we start something is just as important as how hard we work on it in determining how successful we are in achieving our goal.

Spend today refining your plans, rethinking your goals, and re-imagining your strategy for achieving success.  You may find something you have overlooked, or you may find a new confidence in the fact that you have a solid goal and real plan for reaching it.  Then, when the time is right, you can put your plans in action knowing that success is on the way.

The Two Together 

Raidho paired with a reversed Ace of Staffs sends a very clear picture that communication is absolutely necessary at this time for the success of any endeavor.  Timing is critical, and beginning something right now is not a good idea.   With Raidho in the mix there is a real need to check the understanding of everyone involved in the situation.  

A delay of a few days to make sure everyone is on the same page, and has complete understanding of what is expected of them can save a lot of time, frustration, and possibly even expense in the long run.  Hold off on implementing any plans you may have, talk to the people involved, then go ahead.  You may very well find that a small delay in time made circumstances much more favorable for what you have planned. 


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