Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rune of the Day: Eihwaz

Eihwaz is a rune of endings, of inconvenience, of discomfort; however any of these will lead to eventual growth.  This rune is really one of pain leading to progress and advancement.  Think of losing your job only to be offered your dream job because you are now available to accept it. 

Often letting go of what holds us back is painful-change is never easy, especially if it involves distancing ourselves from people who have been in our lives for a long time.  It's often difficult to see when someone or something is holding us back and harder still to remove that obstacle from our life.

Eihwaz is saying that it is time to make these changes, it is time for us to grow in a new direction. We need to rid ourselves of what no longer helps us, and of what holds us back, so that we can advance in life and better ourselves.

Tarot Card of the Day: 2 of Cups (Reversed)

The 2 of Cups reversed is a card of separation, of false friendship, of misunderstanding. 

This card often appears when one is involved in a friendship or relationship where one or both people have not been honest with each other about what they want from the relationship.

This card usually indicates that it is a good time to take a look at your friendships and relationships and make sure that they are giving you the satisfaction you need.  If not, if they are only draining you, then perhaps it is time to move on.

The Two Together: 

Eihwaz paired with a reversed 2 of Cups is making it very clear that today is a day to re-evaluate the relationships in your life.  Sometimes it is very painful to end a friendship or relationship, but it is still the right thing to do. 

If a relationship is dragging you down or holding you back, you may need to end that in order to reach new heights.  Perhaps there is a new romantic partner or friend right around the corner, or even waiting in the wings, who will lift you up instead of holding you down.


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