Friday, December 13, 2013

Rune of the Day: Othala Reversed

Othala reversed is a rune of jealousy, greed, feeling lost, of not feeling like you belong anywhere, of being ostracized or disenfranchised. 

This rune represents a sense of being lost, of not belonging or fitting in.  At this time of year its very easy to get caught up in planning for the holidays, year end inventories and other things that need to be done at work, shopping, just the extra hustle and bustle that goes on right now. 

Sometimes, in the midst of all this, we kind of lose ourselves, we're so busy doing things, we don't take time to enjoy or appreciate the people we are doing them with and/or for. 

Take a little time today to enjoy the people around you, maybe even to reach out to someone who doesn't have any friends or family nearby.  Just a few minutes chatting with someone who is alone can brighten both your days.

Tarot Card of the Day:  5 of Pentacles 

The 5 of Pentacles is a card of loss, of failure, of looking at the darker side of things. 

Every setback does open a doorway, perhaps not right away, but one does open.  This card shows a focus on the closed doors, on the things that we don't have rather than an awareness of the things that are right around the corner. 

Although things may seem dim right now, just by looking around one can find  things to be grateful for, things that hold promise.

Life is very much a matter of perspective and attraction; we can dwell on the negative and attract that to ourselves, or we can look for the positive and bring that into our lives. 

The Two Together:

Othala reversed and the 5 of  Pentacles fit together so easily. They both speak of feeling lost, destitute, of focusing on what one doesn't have.  

Take the time to look for something positive, even something so simple as the sun shining through the clouds, the excitement in a child's eye when they see Santa at the mall, the beauty of a fresh snowfall. 

Looking for the positive in life is bound to bring it closer to us.  So go get it!!


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